Good weather today. Sunny and hot, but there was a gentle enough breeze (5mph rather than the 12-15 we had yesterday) to keep us cool. We had a lovely 57 mile ride through more gently rolling stuff - we are definitely out of the mountains until the Ozarks. Dad was a bit tired, and food is increasingly difficult to get. We went of the trail after seeing Lincoln's Homestead (the state park as opposed to the national site we'll visit in a few days) to get some food in Springfield. That, however, meant we had to take US150 in to Bardstown, which started out without much traffic. We eventually ran out of shoulder and ran into a plateau, and cars started getting backed up behind us. Still, aside from one yelling dude (who amusingly enough told us to get to the side of the road as he was pulling up in a right hand turn lane), a person who flipped us off (because bicyclists are very horrible people), and two loose dogs, the day was darn near perfect. Lovely meadows, lots of flowers, and way more polite people than usual make biking pretty fun. Dad is having some dental issues, though, so we may be zeroing tomorrow (hopefully not much more than a day). If we do zero, I'm going to see Up. Have no clue if/where there's a movie theater, but I'll bike until I find one.
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