This morning, we woke up to a chilly 34 degrees, packed slowly, and headed off, with the road paralleling the South River (which is beautiful, by the way). There were tons of flowers, a pair of lovely waterfalls, and a few hills before we passed VMI and W&L. We had lunch at a nice sandwich shop at the edge of W&L's campus, and continued toward Natural Bridge. That section was great. It was Emory-ish, with lots of meadows and rolling hills. A Hungarian and his buddy from northern California caught us, and I had chats with both of them during the day. There was a steep climb into Natural Bridge that had me in granny gear, but we picked up some juice at a gas station at the top. Between Natural Bridge and Buchanan, we were on and off 11 and old US-11, which had some fun, steep, rolling hills. Buchanan was out of water, so we got some more juice and cranked the last 18 miles into Troutville. At one point, I was waiting for my dad and got to see a family of beavers (complete with two young ones). All in all, the past two days have been great. Yesterday we got the views from the ridge (20 mile cliff probably being one of my favorites). Today we got the nice ride through the valley - which I think we might have to climb out of tomorrow. 56 miles total; no clue what the average speed was.... perhaps 11.4
Tomorrow we'll head on toward Christiansburg and meet up with my aunt toward the end of the day. Today my dad was hurting, so we'll see how far we get and/or whether we'll take a zero day with my aunt or not. Getting closer to Emory, and eventually our first state boundary. Wahoo!!

Any idea when you'll be in the area? There was some talk of a party at my place, and I can put you up for a night if need be =)