Ugh. We only did 38 miles today, but I was not up for a lot of it. Started way too late (a bit after 1:30), and while we were hoping to make Wytheville, we just barely dragged into Max Meadows, which is a bit to the north. Spent a lot of time near the interstate in full sunlight, so we had a lot of noise, wind, diesel, and (at least for me) dehydration issues. Hadn't slept well again, though it was good to see my aunt and cousins. There were a couple monster hills, and several smaller ones that I got into low gear because of the heat. It was yet another gorgeous day, when I was capable of enjoying it (yay for OJ). In two days we'll be in Damascus/Abingdon, and though my dad is bad at telling me whatever plans he has, it sounds like we might be taking a zero in the area. Emory folk, I expect to be hanging out Saturday evening. We get off Old 11 soon, go up Whitetop, then drop down into Damascus. From there, the trail goes to Meadowview, over to the Breaks, and eventually to Berea. We may be hopping on the Creeper for a bit, depending on weather and how the loaded bikes handle the terrain.

I work in the evening, but I'd love to feed you at the Wildflour!