So, I definitely feel like an Alabama girl right now. I'm sitting on a camo couch with a cold beer (that I was drinking as I cooked tonight). There are antlers, skins, stuffed birds, and a bunch of things related to hunting dogs all around me, and I'm feeling pretty comfy. We had a 57 mile ride today, and we've ended up in a pretty awesome little hunting-lodge-type place. The day started off cool and humid, with some really awesome little rolling hills that were close enough together that you could use the speed off one downhill to get up and over the next rise. Dad and I were having a blast, but the day got hotter, and the rolling hills grew some teeth. I was mildly sweaty, which meant that dad was soaked (and, as a result, not feeling wonderful). We both needed more salt, and we were popping Nuun (think gatorade meets airborne tablets) like mad. We stayed well taken care of, though, since there were gas/grocery type places pretty well spaced out. From Marshfield, we went through Fair Grove, Walnut Grove, Ash Grove, Grove Grove, Grove Grove Grove, Groovey Grove (ok, so the last three might not be real), and finally ended up just outside of Everton (complete with camoflauge furniture). The owners of the place are super nice, and everything's on the honor system. We did have some ridges up from creeks today, but nothing like the Ozarks. We flatten out tomorrow and head into Kansas (one step closer to Colarado = excitement). Tomorrow is gonna be tough, though. We have a 60+ mile day, and there's only one place to resupply between here and our destination. Eek. Hopefully we'll both be feeling good and we'll find enough water to get us there in one piece.
Are you sure it wasn't Everton Grove?