The past two days have been short, hot, dry, and exhausting. Yesterday was something like a 53-er in to Kettle Falls. We're back to the skinny tree and sagebrush type environment, and starting the morning off with a 1000 foot climb is always excellent (especially if you're trying to beat the heat in to the next town). Twasn't too bad, but we really haven't had to climb for a while. Warm up for the 4 passes we're getting into now. We got in before noon, thankfully, and spent the rest of the afternoon hangin' out, eating, getting maps from the nice ranger at the new visitor center, and resting up.

This morning, we started a 3500+(?) foot climb up Sherman Pass - one of the worst we'll have in Washington. And after 25 miles of unbroken 6% grade, I am worn out. The last 5 miles of the climb, I really didn't have anything left. It's the first climb in a really really long time that my legs have been sore on. Got a picture with a bunch of motorcyclists at the top, and after some canadian bacon and orange, the 15 mile downhill felt wonderful. It's well into the 90s and we're hiding out in a library since the place we're staying doesn't want us there yet. This means that my tired legs get to go 3 miles in even more grueling heat and headwinds when we decide to go anyways. Yee haw. Pictures'll come when I get on the not-library computer.
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