
Good judgement, if I have to...

Discretion is often the better part of valor (see Jan 26), but sometimes those decisions are just endlessly frustrating to make. 
After a spectacular 27km walk yesterday, I was really looking forward to the most scenic portion of the Queen Charlotte Track - a section that spends most of its time on a ridge, but has a fair number of ups and downs. Unfortunately, while I'm still practically a goat on the uphill and flat sections, I'm slower than a snail on downhills and quite poorly balanced as well. With heavy rain most of the day yesterday (and a full gale last night), I just couldn't trust the clay and rock on the trail to dry out quickly, even with the great  weather we're having today. There's even an alternate road route, but I don't know how hilly or heavily trafficked it is. 
Thus, the boat. The you-should-have-used-the-other-company-because-they-offer-free-transfers boat. Oh well. Hope there's a nice beach/jetty at the next spot!